Child Support Variations:
Child Support is typically recalculated every year based on current income information of the parties. Most child support orders and agreement include income disclosure clauses that require each party to provide their tax return information to the other party each year. Either party may apply for a variation when they receive this information, or before. The Court will usually recalculate orders back up to three years, but sometimes will consider further back.
Parties may be able to register eligible orders with the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program to have their orders recalculated each year. (Make Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program a hyperlink that goes here:
Either party may make an application ot the court to have the court recalculate orders based on new circumstances, including changes of income of either party or changes in the extraordinary expenses for the child.
Orders may have to be reviewed when a child turns 18 to determine if child support is still payable.
We can help you make applications or provide you with new calculations to determine the correct amounts of support payable or owed.
Spousal Support Variations:
Certain Spousal Support orders or agreements can or must be reviewed during or after the term of the order/agreement. This can involve an entirely new review of entitlement, quantum (amounts) or duration (length of time) of the spousal support award based on new and previous circumstances. We can assist you in this process.
Stays of Enforcement:
At times a person owing support (the payor) encounters financial difficulty and ends up with enforcement measures like garnishees, vehicle registration suspensions, license or passport expenses. We can help you make an application to stay these enforcement measures and assist you in negotiating an appropriate payment plan of any arrears in support.
Get in touch
Callioux Law knows that finding the right lawyer to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. Our highly experienced team of lawyers can help you navigate this difficult process.